As we head into the weekend I thought you might appreciate a very brief update on how our investment portfolios have performed over the past 12 months, taking into account the impact (so far) of the coronavirus pandemic.
In the following chart I have shown our lowest risk portfolio (EBIP UK Bond) and then included the 3 most widely used portfolios (EBIP 40, 50 and 60). The purple line is the FTSE 100 which is of course, the index that is quoted on the news every day.
There is no hiding from the fact that our investments are substantially down over the year but it is reassuring to see that the highly diversified nature of our portfolios has helped shield our clients from the very worst of the falls that we have been hearing about.
On a separate note, the following is a link to an article on Covid-19 which appeared in the Spectator on 27th March. The statistics quoted in the article are already well out of date but it provides an interesting slant on things, nonetheless.
As always, please do feel free to call me at any time to discuss anything that might be concerning you.
Stay safe everyone!
With warmest regards,
Yours sincerely
Graham Ponting CFP Chartered MCSI
Managing Partner